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Chris Pratt Would Really Like It If You STOPPED HITTING ON HIS WIFE

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | May 20, 2015 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | May 20, 2015 |

You might think that there is absolutely no downside to having a hilarious, hot wife like Anna Faris to go to premieres with, but there are the occasional pitfalls with having a universally appealing partner, namely that other men hit on her. In front of you, especially when you’re the funny fat guy instead of the incredibly well-sculpted serious action star, as Chris Pratt told GQ:

“I’ve had those moments where I was like the guy holding the purse at events and people just looked right through me. And, you know, actors come up and just blatantly hit on my wife in front of me and don’t even look at me. I’m like ‘What the f***, dude?’ I can think of exactly who they are, too, and I hope they f****** audition for Guardians of the Galaxy.

But Pratt doesn’t have to worry about losing his wife, whether he’s the big funny guy or the well-built action star.

‘I think Anna is hedging her bets that one day I’ll be fat again, and she’ll say, “Remember, honey, I always told you I preferred you this way.”’

So it is true, and not just some myth started by aging frat boys: Ladies do dig the Dad bod?

I choose to remain skeptical. Funny is great and all, but whose stomach would you really prefer to do shots off of: Andy Dwyer’s or Peter Quill’s?

Source: GQ