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Chris Pine on 'The Happiest Actor I Have Ever Met in My Life'

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | May 10, 2024 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | May 10, 2024 |


Chris Pine has been making the press rounds this week, and he’s so charming and likable that I almost want to see his directorial debut, Poolman, in spite of the reviews. It’s getting thrashed — 19 percent on Rotten Tomatoes is saying something in an era where critics seem entirely too reluctant to trash bad films.

To Pine’s credit, however, he’s acknowledging the bad reviews and taking them in stride. “When the film came out at Toronto and just got fucking panned,” Pine admitted in an interview with Josh Horowitz. Pine even said that the reviews were “the best thing that’s ever happened to me,” although I’m guessing good reviews would have been better. All the same, he says, the bad reviews have “forced me to double down on joy and really double down on what I love most about my job, which you kind of forget, it’s fundamentally about play. You become children for hours a day and make believe.”

Granted, the “best thing that ever happened” to him also “deeply hurt” him, and he briefly thought, “Maybe I did make a pile of shit.” However, he eventually went back and watched it. “I fucking love this film,” he said. “I love this film so much.”

Good. That’s all that really matters. Unless you want to make another film and need outside financing, then box office matters, as well.

But we’re not here to talk about the movie itself. We’re here to talk about one of the film’s stars. A man Chris Pine spoke effusively about on the Marc Maron podcast.

“Danny DeVito is the happiest actor I have ever met in my entire life. He is happy doing press. He is happy doing a bit with craft service. He’s happy watching the monitor. He’s happy watching the fucking premiere. He loves every part of our job.

“It is so joyful to be around someone who has been in it,” Pine continues. “And look at his fucking career! It’s mind-boggling. Like, he begins with One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, and then he gets Taxi, then he directs, and then he fucking does Hoffa, and Jersey films, and he produces Pulp Fiction. His career spans a hell of a lot of filmmaking.”

Of course, for the last 15 years, DeVito has been best known for It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, and no one in that cast has ever spoken ill of him. He got even closer to his wife after they separated than when they were married (and they love each other so much that, despite the separation, they have no plans to divorce).

To be as beloved and joyful as Danny DeVito: That is life goals.

Source: WTF with Marc Maron