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Love Shrugs Its Shoulders: Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner to Divorce

By Grainger Heavensbee | Celebrity | June 30, 2015 |

By Grainger Heavensbee | Celebrity | June 30, 2015 |

People who follow the celebrity gossip scene closely have seen this coming for quite some time, what with the rumors of Mr. Affleck stepping out, the moving trucks for the supposed “remodel,” and, uh, Ben Affleck’s history (once a cad, always a cad, am I right, folks?), so it comes as not a huge surprise to hear that Bennifer is no more.

It happens.

The couple have released a statement through their publicist that says all the things that you expect a statement released through a publicist to say. It’s sad, of course, because divorce is always sad, especially when there are children involved, and especially in a case like this where the couple has been a model for the last decade for parenting. They were also an incredibly handsome couple. We’ll miss the photos of them together most of all.

Alas, the good news (I guess) is that Ben Affleck can hang out with Kevin Smith again, which means that maybe Mr. Smith will be able to fully bring back the cast of Mallrats for the sequel.

Otherwise? Bummer.

In the meantime, let’s relive this interview that a very drunk and very handsy Ben Affleck had on a morning show during the Jersey Girl press tour, during which he excessively groped the morning-show journalist. “You should have your rack on display … you should work at Fox. You’d blend right in.”


via People