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Five Things To Know About Aya Cash from 'You're the Worst'

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | September 9, 2015 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | September 9, 2015 |

The second season of You’re the Worst returns tonight, and if you’re not in the know, You’re the Worst is really the best (we ranked it among the 15 best shows of 2014). If you are in the know and haven’t watched since it aired last summer on FXX, here’s a refresher, as well as a mathematical calculation of which character actually is the worst.

One of the stars of You’re the Worst is Aya Cash, who is amazing and absolutely deserved an Emmy nomination this season, even though we knew she wouldn’t get one. She plays Gretchen, one half of one of the best power couples on television. She’s sardonic, witty, unmerciless, and insanely sex.

Here are some things you may not know about her, which may enrich your experience in watching tonight’s second season premiere, or at least finally motivate you to catch up and watch the entire first season on Hulu.

1. Aya Cash’s grandmother was Pauline Betz, a professional tennis player in the 1940s who won five grand slam titles, and is described as one of the best female tennis players of all time. But here’s what I love even more about her:

She smoked.


She drank.

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And she still lived until she was 91.

2. Aya Cash is married (sorry!). Her husband is Josh Alexander. He recently wrote the script for an HBO documentary called Southern Rites. The doc was about the aftermath of the integration of the segregated proms of Montgomery County in the wake of a racially motivated murder. The two starred in a 2009 movie together called The Bits in Between, which Alexander wrote. (Her husband also once romanced her by buying her a filling for her cavity when she couldn’t afford it).

Spotted in the wild. The elusive pale bodied husband.

A photo posted by Aya Cash (@maybeayacash) on

3. Aya Cash’s mom is Kim Addonizio, an award-winning poet known as the “Baudelaire of San Francisco” who likes to adorably brag about her daughter on Twitter.

Aya is a fan of her Mom, too. (Close families are the best)

4. She was a main cast member in a short-lived but really great sitcom on Fox called Traffic Light, which I talk about all the time and continue to suggest you all watch on Netflix, but nobody listens.

She was more blonde on that show.


5. She has impeccable taste in television.

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(And if you won’t listen to me about Rectify, surely you’l listen to the granddaughter of a Wimbledon champ!)