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10 Years Ago, Tom Cruise Proved He Truly Is the Greatest Actor Alive

By Cindy Davis | Celebrity | May 22, 2015 |

By Cindy Davis | Celebrity | May 22, 2015 |

Ten years ago tomorrow is the anniversary of the couch jump felt ‘round the world, when one of the most delightfully natural gif-worthy moments occurred:


And though that jump may have been the pinnacle of Tom Cruise’s appearance on The Oprah Winfrey Show, the whole of the interview was even more fascinating — you can almost see the wheels spinning in Cruise’s head as he improvs the story of falling for Katie Holmes. If you’re lucky enough to be starting your holiday weekend early, I highly recommend watching this master class in acting in its entirety:

Oprah: “I have known you quite a while, and we have spent some hours together…and you are such and intensely, I mean, intensely, intense, intense…but intensely private person, and then, now, you are just out everywhere kissing and hugging…”

Oprah then asks for specifics of how Cruise and Holmes met:

Cruise: “Do you have to get into details of everything?” He hems and haws ponders how to share his feelings (he’s such an intensely private person, you see). Oprah asks “How?” over and over until he comes up with something.

Forget Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart, this is the man aspiring actors should be studying.

Next month, revisiting Professor Cruise’s Matt Lauer schooling…

“You don’t know the history of psychiatry. I do.

Matt, Matt, Matt…you’re glib.”

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