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Are Jared Leto's Super-Buff Arms Enough to Make You Forget About That Last Stupid Promo Shot?

By Vivian Kane | Case Study In Hotness | April 28, 2015 |

By Vivian Kane | Case Study In Hotness | April 28, 2015 |

Jared Leto’s Suicide Squad Joker has been revealed to us bit by bit, with each new bit seemingly changing our opinion, generally not in the direction Leto and the producers and PR team behind said bits were hoping for. We got a classic homage, and that was cool! Then we got some iconic Joker lips, and those were pretty okay. But those tattoos were definitely TERRIBLE.
That last image was probably when most of us realized that this may not actually be a movie we should be SO excited about.

However… shallow as this may make me, this last photo has renewed my interest… at least a little.


A photo posted by JARED LETO (@jaredleto) on

That makes me super shallow, doesn’t it? I mean, I don’t entirely care; I just want to make sure we’re all on the same shallow page. Leto has talked before about his process of bulking up for this role.

“I’m trying to gain a lot of weight,” he told Billboard in February. “It means I have to eat every couple of hours - and I’m terrible at eating a lot.”
Yet as awesome as those Joker arms (and intriguing choice of on-brand but off-character t-shirt logo) may be, it always makes me cringe to see actors gain and lose so much weight for roles. As Leto himself has said,
It can be an incredibly rewarding, but also destructive, thing to do. Your body changes forever.
So if I might make a suggestion, maybe stop destroying your body and just keep these arms forever. How does that sound?

Via People.