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People on Pot 'Shoot, Stab and Strangle Each Other,' Insists Nancy Grace, Shrilly

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | January 17, 2014 |

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | January 17, 2014 |

Over on Headline News today, the always lovely, rational, and level-headed Nancy Grace introduced one of her guests, the Communications Director of the Marijuana Policy Project, and before she allowed him to get in a word, she began railing against him, marijuana, and the people who use it. Not only did she claim that it was “highly addictive,” she went on to insist that “people on pot shoot each other, stab each other, and strangle each other.” She then shakes her head shamefully for the next three minutes while having erotic daydreams about Casey Anthony trial footage.

Everything about this video will set your teeth on edge

Clearly, Grace has never met a stoner. The only things that habitual pot smokers murder are THE HEADS OF GUMMY BEARS.

(via Reddit)