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Irate Man Goes Apesh*t Ballistic, Threatens Use of Machine Gun After Being Put on Hold by Customer Service for Three Hours

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | September 12, 2013 |

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | September 12, 2013 |

There’s more context to this phone call, but I think all you really need to know to understand why the man on the other end is so frustrated as that he had spent over three hours going through the customer service phone system, trying to get in contact with a woman named Michelle, who had left a voicemail message for him.

I don’t condone the behavior from the man, especially the threat to buy a machine gun and mow down the customer service rep’s place of employment, but I we can all sympathize with his frustrations. Most of us would probably give up after 20-30 minutes, tops, but after simmering for over three hours, this guy blew a gasket. Props to the customer service rep, Mark, for somehow keeping his cool.

The phone call, by the way, was uploaded by a former employee of the security systems company, after that company attempted to bury any record of the phone call.

Before hitting play, turn down your speakers if you’re in a public place.

(Source: Reddit via Gawker)