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Dave Grohl and Krist Novoselic Dig Into Life with Nirvana on 'The Tonight Show'

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | April 10, 2014 |

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | April 10, 2014 |

I’ve been to a lot of film festivals, and the thing about film festivals is, you end up seeing a goodly number of film stars. It’s kind of cool, but most everyone is respectful, and besides a few pictures and a lot of rubbernecking, it’s not that big of a deal. “Hey! Look. There’s Nic Cage.” “Oh yeah. Cool! You wanna go get lunch now?” “Sure.”

However, a few years ago at SXSW, the Foo Fighters appeared to promote their documentary, and I have honestly never felt that kind of celebrity presence. It was electric. The whole place just erupted at the mere sight of Dave Grohl, and I swear to God, my entire body tingled the entire time he was in the theater. I’m never going to understand what it was like to see the Beatles during their heyday, but I suspect that being in the same room with Dave Grohl is as close as I’ll ever get, especially now that rock legends are as rare in this world as unicorns.

Anyway, he and his former Nirvana band-member Krist Novoselic were on The Tonight Show last night to talk about the Rock n’ Roll Hall of Fame, chat about about playing with Paul McCartney, and to discuss life with Nirvana, Kurt Cobain, and Fallon’s high-school band, Born Losers. There’s nothing groundbreaking here, but it’s a fun interview, if only to catch up with Novoselic, who is a little on the fruitbats side.

Before their sit-down interview, they also introduced Stevie Nicks and Jimmy Fallon-as-Tom Petty, who performed a killer version of “Stop Draggin’ My Heart Around.”