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Trump Adviser Roger Stone Needs To Stop Dressing Like a Low Budget Movie Villain

By Bekka Supp | Politics | March 22, 2017 |

By Bekka Supp | Politics | March 22, 2017 |

Roger Stone’s name is not in the news that often, because he is a behind-the-scenes kind of guy. He has been described by the New York Times as being “a loyalist and self-proclaimed ‘dirty trickster.’” However, being cloaked in secrecy and being known as a trickster does have its consequences. One such example is how Stone admitted that he had contact with the figure claiming to be behind the hacking of Democratic emails during the US presidential election.

Roger Stone told The Washington Times that the private exchange with Guccifer 2.0 was “perfunctory, brief and banal”.

As “perfunctory, brief and banal” as the exchange might’ve been, it didn’t go unnoticed as Pro-Trump provocateur Roger Stone repeatedly came up in Monday’s opening hearing on alleged Russian interference in the 2016 election. I can only assume they said his name three times and he appeared in one of his signature pinstriped suits.


By evoking the power of Beetlejuice, Senate Intelligence Chairman Richard Burr said his panel has sent Stone a letter asking him to preserve relevant documents and communications. At some point, Stone is going to have to eventually come to Capitol Hill. Since he hasn’t gone yet, the only logical thing for Roger Stone to do is to defend his case.

On Alex Jones’ InfoWars.

Wearing this.

I wish I was making this up but alas, no. Stone went on-screen looking like a goddamned 1960’s French villain about to escape from his latest caper via hot air balloon. Which is quite fitting because he also happens to look like one of Joker’s henchman.

Joker Insignia 1989 Batman Movie with Jack Nicholson.jpg

To be fair, this isn’t the first time he’s looked like a Batman baddie. Here he is looking like The Penguin at the President’s* Inauguration:

Or an escapee from Arkham Asylum (yes, that’s a real Nixon tattoo the guy has):

Or Harvey Dent:

Maybe Batman villains aren’t your speed. How about Bond, GOLD Bond, Medicated Powder:

How about Emilio Largo from Thunderball?

I get it. That reference is too dated. How about the world’s most racist and saddest Smothers Brothers tribute boy band?

Whatever Stone chooses to wear to his eventual appearance on Capitol Hill, I hope he leaves wearing horizontal stripes and some new jewelry.

Follow Bekka Supp on Twitter and on the podcast, Debate Club.