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Revolting Clownstick Donald Trump Doubles Down on Sexist Comments

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | August 8, 2015 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | August 8, 2015 |

Not that it means that much, because they are unscientific polls, but it appears that Donald Trump was the GOP debate winner on Thursday, according to both a Time magazine poll and a poll from the Drudge Report. It wasn’t even close: The Time poll had Trump winning 47 percent to 10 percent for Marco Rubio. And scientific or not, a Drudge poll — where Trump won handily — is basically a poll of the people who will eventually vote for the nominee: Far-right conservatives.

While Trump’s commanding lead in polls may be amusing to some, and while Hillary Clinton may be rooting for him to the be nominee — making her a shoe-in as President — consider how that must look to the rest of the world. Consider, if Trump lands the nomination, how many more months his voice will be heard nationally, how many more newscasts will be devoted to him. Consider what a Trump nomination might mean for this country, knowing that a decent-sized segment has no qualms with voting for a violent racist, misogynistic crap bag.

Worse still, Hillary could dominate him in every debate, and he is so delusional, he’d never concede. There is no fall for Donald Trump. There will be no comeuppance. No matter how many times Donald Trump loses, he will claim victory, and as best as I can tell, he will believe it. He will claim he is speaking for a certain segment of society, and he will push his malicious agenda forward.

This is not funny. It’s terrifying. And this is the media’s fault. This is our fault, for paying attention to him, even if it is to make fun of him. And what good does it do to make fun of Donald Trump? He has no shame. You can’t insult a guy who doesn’t feel shame. He will cast those insults as the attacks of his critics, and his supporters will believe him, and they will feel emboldened.

It’ll be the Tea Party surge all over again, and the Republicans will never be able to move to the center — and change the divisive, polarizing dynamic of this country — because they will always have to appeal to the bigots on the right.

Where was I? Oh, yes: After spending eight hours attacking Megyn Kelly on Twitter after the debate, calling her “unprofessional” and a “bimbo,” the shithead doubled down yesterday, suggesting of Kelly that “there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever.”

That’s a period joke, if you didn’t catch that. The goddamn leading contender for the Republican nomination made a period joke.

It may not alienate his base, but at least it’s alienating other Republicans, as conservative commentator Erick Erickson has withdrawn his invitation to Donald Trump to this weekend’s RedState Gathering in Atlanta, inviting Megyn Kelly in his place.

Erik Erikson — the man who called Supreme Court justice David Souter a “goat fucking child molester” — disinvited Donald Trump. Erikson also once tweeted this:

“There was a barrage of angry feminists upset with me telling them to get in the kitchen and learn to cook … good thing I didn’t suggest the feminists … you know … shave. They’d be at my house trying a post-birth abortion on me.”

This man disinvited Donald Trump because he said he didn’t “want someone on stage who gets a hostile question from a lady and his first inclination is to imply it was hormonal.” Think about that.

And did Trump feel regret? Or shame? Or embarrassment? What do you think?

Here’s how he responded:

“This is just another example of weakness through being politically correct. For all of the people who were looking forward to Mr. Trump coming, we will miss you. Blame Erick Erickson, your weak and pathetic leader.”

At this point, invoking Godwin’s Law no longer sounds unreasonable.

via Mashable