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UPDATED: Morning Briefing: POTUS is in a Lame Diss War With a Tennessee Senator

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | October 24, 2017 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | October 24, 2017 |

Here’s where we are, folks: Ten months into Donald Trump’s term, he’s feuding with a war hero with brain cancer and a war widow, while taking issue with the way NFL players behave during the national anthem.

Now Trump is continuing his feud with retiring Tennessee Senator Bob Corker, who told Trump this morning to stay the hell out of the way while Congress tries to figure out tax reform. Why? Because the GOP is trying to draft a gigantic tax cut for rich people and Trump keeps taking away their options. Yesterday, Trump took 401(k) plans off the table, and every time Donald Trump insists on a particular provision in the tax reform bill, he takes another option to pay for it away from Republicans. The GOP is trying to find $4 trillion to pay for the tax cut, and Trump keeps derailing those efforts.


Anyway, Tennessee Senator Bob Corker has had it, and this morning Corker told him to back off.

He also suggested that Trump should leave legislating to the professionals.

Trump, who’s sitting in the White House in his bathrobe watching cable news, took to insulting Corker:

That’s not how you spell Tennessee, Donald.

Corker returned the volley.


It’s still going.

Minutes later:

And that’s where we are in America: Sympathizing with an anti-choice, global-warming skeptic who is trying to take healthcare away from the poor, because he is the voice of reason.

Guys, I don’t think that tax reform is going to pass. And you know what? I’m just fine with that. Besides, I’m sure Trump will sign an executive order stating that billionaires will no longer have to pay taxes.

Anyway, here’s Seth Meyers on Trump’s rambling, nonsensical attempts at tax reform.

— In the meantime, remember when Congress overwhelmingly passed a bill slapping new sanctions on Russia for interfering in our election? That was in July. The President signed that bill (he had no choice). But you know what? He still hasn’t implemented those sanctions. One gets the feeling that he never will. He has no interest in punishing Russia. I wonder why?

— Finally, this has nothing to do with politics, but Jesus Christ, it pissed me off. In Michigan last week, five teenagers were fucking around and threw a rock off an overpass. It shattered through a windshield and killed a 32-year-old father. The teens are being charged with second-degree murder.

My first thought was: That is tragic, and awful, and Oh My God, that poor family. But also, second-degree murder? And they’re being charged as adults. You’re going to potentially send 5 teenagers to prison for life for throwing a rock off an overpass? I mean, that was a horrible, horrible thing to do, but to take away their lives over one terrible mistake?

… and then I read the rest of the story.

Police said about 20 rocks were thrown from the overpasses, as well as a tire. The cars below were driving about 70 miles per hour.

Investigators said four other cars also were struck by rocks and had pulled over to wait for the police. After White was hit, his friend had to maneuver around other cars that had been damaged by the rocks before he could pull over himself and help White, according to CNN.

They threw 20 rocks and a tire? WTF, kids? WTF?

Investigators said that immediately after the rock-throwing incident, they left the overpass and drove to a nearby McDonald’s for food.

Wait? These kids threw 20 rocks and a tire off an overpass at cars moving at 70 mph, killed a man, and then went to McDonalds?

You know what? I take it back. Throw them under the prison.