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Here's Why Eric Trump Is So Pissed Off at Kellyanne Conway's Husband, George Conway

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | December 4, 2018 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | December 4, 2018 |


When Democratic strategist James Carville married Republican strategist Mary Matalin back in 1993, it was a different time. The two could spar on cable television, but return to their homes and go about their days as a married couple (and the two remain married, with two kids).

But this Kellyanne Conway and George Conway business? I am literally blown away by the ability of the couple to compartmentalize. They’re both Republicans. But he hates Trump, and she is one of Trump’s most high profile advisors. George Conway regularly calls out Donald Trump, while his wife regularly calls out her own husband and suggests that he is just attacking the President to draw attention to himself, and then they go home together and have dinner.

George Conway, however, has been very successful at drawing attention to himself. When Donald Trump used Twitter to witness tamper yesterday, George Conway called him out for it.

There’s a lot to unpack in those tweets, but George Conway didn’t need 280 characters, or even 140 characters to make his point:

That is the federal statute for witness tampering, and Conway should know. He’s not just any lawyer. He was on Trump’s shortlist to be the Solicitor General.

Conway, who I assume by virtue of his marriage, knows at least a little about what goes on in the White House from his wife, was on a roll yesterday, brazenly retweeting others accusing Trump of witness tampering and/or illustrating fear in the face of the Mueller probe. He retweeted the following:

All those retweets came in the same day, and it’s doubly extraordinary that the husband of the White House Communications advisor is retweeting Jon Favreau!

That’s why Eric Trump was so pissed at George Conway yesterday: Because Conway — who last month called the White House a “shitshow in a dumpster fire” — was clearly making the case for witness tampering and obstruction of justice, over and over and over again.

Nothing about Conway’s tweets or retweets in any way illustrated disrespect toward Kellyanne. They were all directed at the President’s actions. In any respect, Eric Trump calling George Conway out for suggesting that Eric’s dad broke the law clearly didn’t bother George Conway, because after that tweet, Conway retweeted the following:

(That last one was just a great headline. Sorry).

Again: George Conway — who has argued in front of the Supreme Court and won — is suggesting that his wife’s boss should be impeached and imprisoned for witness tampering and obstruction of justice. And George and Kellyanne are fine (they were spotted together taking their son to a school run last Friday).

Meanwhile, Roger Stone is using that tweet to crowdfund his legal defense (he’s received all of $3500 as of this writing).

Mueller will make a court filing against Michael Flynn today, as he draws ever closer to the President. It should be an interesting day.

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