By Lord Castleton | Westworld | October 30, 2016 |
By Lord Castleton | Westworld | October 30, 2016 |
1) Who is smuggling data out of the park?
I mean, a satellite uplink buried in the arm of the stray? And QA didn’t find it? Those fuckers couldn’t debug a balled up napkin, yo!
2) Is William’s upcoming marriage a loveless one?
Logan said that he chose William to come with him on this trip because he’s never be a threat to anyone. And that his sister ‘picked’ him for the same reason. What does that mean? What the hell does the world look like where these guys come from?
3) What’s with the soothsayer and the unraveling thing in Dolores’ arm?
Dolores stumbles into a room, pulls a tarot card and it’s the maze. Of course. But then the tarot lady morphs into a different Dolores. A more confident, sort of omniscient one. What the hell is going on?
4) Is Ford probing Old Bill for secrets hidden by Arnold?
He mocked Arnold for doing it. And now he’s just knocking back a stiff one with an ancient bot. Why else would he be there, talking to bots?
5) Why did Logan smile when William didn’t save him?
Are the gloves off? Or was this a test that Logan wanted William to pass?
6) Where did Dolores get her sick hip-fire accuracy? Is she Annie Oakley?
Because that shit was fierce. It looked like she was accessing a program when there was danger in the vicinity, and she turned into John Wick. What other abilities does might she have that we don’t know about? And why didn’t this kick in before with The Man in Black and Rebus?
7) Is Dolores really, truly into William, or was that just her doing some grade A improvisation?
Without revealing too much, remember Ava (Alicia Vikander) & Caleb’s (Domhnall Gleeson) interpersonal dynamic in Ex Machina? How deep are Dolores feelings for William and how much of it is maze-related?
8) Why was it important to Ford to confront The Man in Black personally?
I mean, he put himself in that saloon, playing the piano, so he would be there when The Man in Black arrived. What transpired in that scene that was so important?
9) Did Maeve fix that bird?
Because it kind of seemed like she did.
10) What’s Maeve’s play with Felix?
Maeve is now, somehow, aware of being on the other side. How did she get from drawing sketches to ‘getting’ her situation and co-opting Felix? Was it when she pulled out the slug with Hector? And if so, how did she remember?
Goddamn there’s a lot of new information. I should have the full recap done by early summer of 2017 …
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