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Twitter Reacts After World Leaders Laught AT Trump, Instead of WITH Trump

By Dustin Rowles | Social Media | September 25, 2018 |

By Dustin Rowles | Social Media | September 25, 2018 |


The thing is, when you’re speaking to a crowd that is not made entirely up of Trump supporters — some of whom are paid, and some of whom are often moved in and around to ensure that Trump looks better (or has a more photogenic crowd behind him) — the crowd is not always to going respond in the same way that they would at a Trump rally.

To wit: Here’s a group of world leaders laughing at Trump this morning during his address to the United Nations after Trump brags, “In less than two years, my Administration has accomplished more than almost any Administration in the history of our country.”

Yeah, no. They’re not laughing with you, buddy. They’re laughing at you, and when Trump gets home tonight and realizes that, he’s gonna blow a gasket.