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When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong (Joy-Ann Reid vs. Killer Mike Edition)

By Brian Richards | Social Media | April 8, 2018 |

By Brian Richards | Social Media | April 8, 2018 |


Killer Mike is a rapper who, much like Azaelia Banks, tends to get more attention for the ridiculous shit that comes out of his mouth more than for his actual music. Last month, shortly before March For Our Lives occurred, the rapper sat down with gun-rights activist and NRA-TV host Colion Noir for an interview in which he made it very clear that not only do people (especially Black people) have the right and the need to own firearms, but that he definitely wasn’t here for any of his children participating in the nationwide school walkouts to express their beliefs in gun control.

After the backlash that Killer Mike dealt with as a result of that interview, and his subsequent apology/backpedaling that followed, you would think that Killer Mike would take a break from saying and doing incredibly dumb shit that would completely embarrass him and make people shake their heads. But of course, Killer Mike felt the need to prove us all wrong today.

This morning, Joy-Ann Reid, host of MSNBC’s AM Joy, went on her Instagram page to give a couple of shout-outs to the people who made her look incredibly stylish for an upcoming photo shoot, including her Hair & Make-up team.

Thank you #LAGlamTeam @Hairbyshavonne @taiyoungstyle #AMJoy

A post shared by Joy-Ann Reid (@joyannreid) on

And yet, Killer Mike felt the need to jump onto Joy-Ann’s Instagram page, read her post, and do what he usually does: share an opinion about something that absolutely none of us wanted or asked for. (Killer Mike was referencing this shirt that clothing-retail store H&M put out earlier this year, as well as the fact that a young African-American boy was the one chosen to model this shirt)


Unfortunately for Killer Mike, Joy-Ann read his comment on her post and decided to take his ass to school. All that was missing from her response was her starting it off with either “OK, first of all…” or “OK, what you won’t do…”



And it didn’t take very long for Twitter to shake their heads and then talk plenty of well-deserved shit about Killer Mike and his inability to keep himself from looking and sounding stupid.

And of course, Killer Mike did exactly that, but not before trying to laugh the whole thing off.

None of that stopped Twitter from continuing to respond to Killer Mike like so:

Oh, you poor fool.gif

In short, this entire exchange between Joy-Ann Reid and Killer Mike can be summed up with this tweet:

This has been another episode of “When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong.”