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Reddit Asks What Injury Did You Make Up A Story For Because The Truth Was Too Embarrassing?

By Jodi Smith | Social Media | June 11, 2019 |

By Jodi Smith | Social Media | June 11, 2019 |


I am highly accident-prone and my body harbors the scars and medical intervention to prove it. From falling through a rickety porch and slicing my leg from ankle to hip and snapping off the end of my coccyx playing indoor co-ed soccer, I’ve damaged my body multiple ways. I don’t, however, lie about the cause.

The scar on my hand? Drunk cooking. The scar on my left calf? I went creeking in a pair of too-big shoes that snagged a fallen barbed wire fence and sliced my leg open. The three scars climbing up the front of my foot and ankle into my shin? A leg shaving incident. Some Redditors have the ability to be shamed by their clumsiness or stupidity, so they chose to make up tales to explain away their injuries.

I wonder what’s that’s like, having shame?







