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Twitter Reacts to the Abomination That Is the Restaurant Serving Pizza With Cold Cheese

By Petr Navovy | Social Media | January 25, 2022 |

By Petr Navovy | Social Media | January 25, 2022 |


Look, I’m not one for food snobbery or prescriptivism. Food is functional. It keeps you alive and, ideally, healthy. If it tastes good to you on top of that, eat it how you want. Obviously, there’s some nuance here—specifically around the importance some foods have in certain cultures and the importance of respecting that—but by and large, my rule is: Do it how you want.

All that said, when it comes to pizza—the sublime and beautiful earthy creation that is pizza—I can’t help but wince when I see someone act out some weird fuc*ery on its hallowed surface.

Case in bloody point:

I’m sorry. Each to their own and all that, and I’m happy that those poor Stockholm syndromed lot in there are ‘enjoying’ their war crime, but whoever pulls the strings in that establishment should be bundled into a van and hauled off to The Hague. Twitter, naturally, responded correctly to this sight: