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Twitter Reacts To That 'Mario Movie' Casting News

By Petr Navovy | Social Media | September 24, 2021 |

By Petr Navovy | Social Media | September 24, 2021 |


We all heard that casting news last night, right? I happened to be watching the Nintendo Direct live feed when they announced it: A new, animated Mario Bros. movie, with an all-star Hollywood cast of actors of … let’s say varying likeability. Charlie Day as Luigi. Anya Taylor-Joy as Peach. Jack Black as Bowser. Keegan-Michael Key as Toad. Seth Rogen as Donkey Kong. And to get to some of that aforementioned variety: Chris Pratt as Mario himself. Personally, I don’t see any creative necessity for a Mario Bros. movie, but if it really had to happen, then—as much as I like most of those names—it would’ve been nice to have hired some actual voice actors for an animated film for a change (or, you know, just Charles Martinet in this case). I know it doesn’t put bums in seats as much as casting big, well-known screen stars apparently does, but still. Might be cool to hire people for the actual job they’re properly trained to do and to get rid of that baggage that known faces so often bring to voice roles. But well, what do I know! I’m just an internet meme collector. Speaking of which, here’s how Twitter reacted to that Mario movie casting news: