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Twitter Reacts To Professor Patrick Wilson's Email About Being Shot, Catching COVID, and His Messy Divorce

By Kristy Puchko | Social Media | October 13, 2020 |

By Kristy Puchko | Social Media | October 13, 2020 |


With everything going on, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed right now. Actually, it’s normal to feel overwhelmed. This means the lines between personal and professional are blurring in unexpected ways, where we’re basically looking past the common stiff civilities to recognize we’re all just humans trying our best in increasingly insane circumstances. This leads me to an e-mail one Twitter user claims they got from their professor about a change to their class schedule:

This “rollercoaster of an email” lays out what the students need to know: the exam is being rescheduled, class on Thursday is canceled. Then, Professor Patrick Wilson (not the one pictured above) explains why in a way that feels less like an excuse and more like a logline for a tragic-comedy film that’ll premiere at virtual Sundance in January:

Against my best wishes, I have been shot and am being treated in the ER. I also have COVID, and the divorce is getting messy.

Obviously, this movie would be called Against My Best Wishes.

Twitter understandably went wild over this unique e-mail. Here are some highlights of the thousands of responses.

I realize some might find highlighting this story crass. First off, it’s probably a hoax, as @decentbirthday is known for tweeting funny messages that are likely faked. Whether it’s real or not, I’m heartened by how Twitter’s community was able to find the humor and thereby humanity in what are outrageous circumstances. For them, @decentbirthday offered an update:

Good luck to us all.

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