By Kristy Puchko | Social Media | October 16, 2020 |
By Kristy Puchko | Social Media | October 16, 2020 |
We’ve all been there. You have a lovely jar of pickles. Maybe they’re dill. Maybe they’re garlic. Maybe they’re sweet because you weren’t paying close enough attention while shopping. There they are, safe in a vacuum-sealed jar that won’t fricking open. How do you break your precious pickles from their mason jail? Twitter is here to help.
It all began with this tweet from comedian Ryan Dillon.
I have tried to open a pickle jar in my fridge for four days now and I have failed every single time.
— Ryan Dillon (@TheRyanDillon) October 15, 2020
It was a simple and relatable confession. To which Twitter users rushed to with solutions. That’s when things went from common sense to comedy.
Didn’t work :(
— Ryan Dillon (@TheRyanDillon) October 15, 2020
I did but I don’t think they could here me :( I heard them say something back but it was muffled? “Ughh off?” “Fu kough?”
— Ryan Dillon (@TheRyanDillon) October 15, 2020
I got a 57 in science I’m not aloud to use the tap in my house 😔
— Ryan Dillon (@TheRyanDillon) October 15, 2020
Nice try, witch. The lid is round. Summon your devils with your own “corners”.
— Ryan Dillon (@TheRyanDillon) October 15, 2020
I’m not a rocket scientist, Trish
— Ryan Dillon (@TheRyanDillon) October 16, 2020
— Ryan Dillon (@TheRyanDillon) October 15, 2020
A spoon? I’m on CERB Allana I can’t afford no spoon get out of here
— Ryan Dillon (@TheRyanDillon) October 15, 2020
(For Americans: CERB is Canada Emergency Response Benefit)
OoooOoOo, look who has teeth 🙄
— Ryan Dillon (@TheRyanDillon) October 15, 2020
— Ryan Dillon (@TheRyanDillon) October 15, 2020
F u c k
— Ryan Dillon (@TheRyanDillon) October 15, 2020
F u c
I can hear it fucking laughing at me
— Ryan Dillon (@TheRyanDillon) October 15, 2020How do you open a pickle jar? Sound off.