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Twitter Reacts To Halloween Pivoting To Christmas Season

By Kristy Puchko | Social Media | November 2, 2020 |

By Kristy Puchko | Social Media | November 2, 2020 |


Halloween is over. Which means Christmas is nearly upon us. Now, maybe you’re thinking, “Kristy, there’s two months before Christmas, and there’s a major holiday in the mix. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.” To you, I say, “Shut up. This year has been mind-meltingly stressful in every possible way and if I want to play Sia’s Christmas album, marathon holiday romcoms, and drown myself in hot cocoa spiked with peppermint schnapps, I WILL DO JUST THAT.”

Where were we? Oh. Right. It’s November now, which means Twitter users are abandoning their Halloween spookies for Yuletide enthusiasm. Here are some highlights from the meme comparing “me on October 31 vs me on November 1.”