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Trevor Noah is a Gem

By Dustin Rowles | Social Media | July 19, 2018 |

By Dustin Rowles | Social Media | July 19, 2018 |


There’s not much I can add to this that is not encapsulated in the video, except to say that Trevor Noah may be his best self when he’s not delivering “material” and just speaking off the cuff. This piece is from “Between the Scenes” — it didn’t air on The Daily Show — and is Noah’s response to the French government taking issue with Noah for highlighting the Africanness of the French soccer players after their World Cup win.

Noah is absolutely terrific here and may have unwittingly demonstrated that he may be better served by a different format. It may also explain why I like him better in free-wheeling interviews than I do within the confines of The Daily Show structure. He’s personable, intimate, funny, and brilliantly insightful.