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Rahul Kohli's Twitter Feed is a Goddamn Delight

By Petr Navovy | Social Media | March 27, 2018 |

By Petr Navovy | Social Media | March 27, 2018 |


I really enjoyed the first season of iZombie. It was fun, well-paced, and did a good job of balancing out the shorter episode arcs with a longer series through line.

It was also addictive as fuck. I tore through it like a pack of cheap supermarket cookies.

Unfortunately, I’ve not been able to keep up with the show since that first season, but that is entirely my fault as it seems that I don’t have time for anything these days, least of all TV shows. Well, I tell a lie. Some things are easy enough to keep up with. Quick, bite-sized stuff like Twitter feeds, that’s about all I have time for. One of the best things about iZombie is Rahul Kohli (who plays Ravi and who happens to be a Pajiba favourite), and as luck would have it, he has a damn fine Twitter feed. So while I wait in hope for the hypothetical moment when I finally have some time to catch up with iZombie, I console myself with following my fellow London boy’s 140 character adventures. Oi, Rahul, top work, bruv. Keep it up, yeah?


One thing, though Rahul, I know the chronology of these two following tweets is all messed up for them to be related but… Are you trying to tell us something? Maybe in a sneaky, time-fractured Christopher Nolan sorta way? It’s cool if you are, like. No judgement. We’ve all been there.


Petr Knava lives in London and plays music