By Dustin Rowles | Social Media | August 30, 2024 |
By Dustin Rowles | Social Media | August 30, 2024 |
I like Oasis. Oasis is great. But Oasis is a Millennial band, and I am Gen X, and it always surprises me a little to see how fervent the passion is for the Gallagher brothers’ band. I don’t remember the Britpop invasion being that big of a deal, except that Oasis ushered in The Verve’s “Bittersweet Symphony,” and if I went the rest of my life without hearing that song again, I’d be content.
But this isn’t about The Verve, which broke up for a third time in 2009, reportedly for good, because several of the band members still refuse to talk to each other. This is about Oasis, who are reuniting and going on tour next summer. Those tickets go on sale tomorrow! And obviously, only the biggest, longest-suffering, most passionate Oasis fans can get tickets. Right?
No. Of course not! Anyone with enough money who knows how to jump through all the appropriate hoops can be randomly selected! It’s a good old-fashioned combination of wealth and random luck! That’s upsetting for people like the guy on TikTok (via The Guardian), who complained, “Imagine waiting 15 years for Oasis to re-form only to lose out on tickets to Chloe, 20, Fiat 500 driver, from Stockport who just wants to hear Wonderwall live.”
Anaïs Gallagher, the 24-year-old daughter of Noel, is basically, like, f**k that guy’s feelings. “One thing I won’t stand for is the ageism and the misogyny around people getting tickets. Sorry if a 19-year-old girl in a pink cowboy hat wants to be there, I will have my friendship bracelets ready.”
Responding to another TikToker, Anaïs likewise does not care for people who characterize everyone else as undeserving Oasis bandwagoners. “Babe, it’s Oasis. They have 21m listeners monthly on Spotify … everyone fucking loves Oasis! What do you mean everyone suddenly loves them? Everyone has always loved them. They are one of the most famous bands in the whole entire world.”
I don’t know what the relationship between Anaïs and her father is like, but I do know what it’s like between Noel and Liam, and given that, Anaïs comments boasting about the popularity of Oasis must feel like the Gallagher equivalent of Gus Walz “That’s my dad’ing” his own father during the DNC.
via The Guardian