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Louisiana Is a Legitimate Christian Theocracy Now

By Dustin Rowles | Social Media | June 19, 2024 |

By Dustin Rowles | Social Media | June 19, 2024 |


There’s a certain irony to the fact that Fox News has for years been pushing Islamophobia by instilling a fear of Sharia law — in Fox’s view, a monolithic legal system dictated by the Quran — when Louisiana, a state often praised by Fox News, has not-so-quietly devolved into a form of Christian theocracy.

According to Wikipedia, “some human rights groups argue that certain classical sharia practices involve serious violations of basic human rights, gender equality, and freedom of expression.” However, consider a law recently passed in Louisiana that requires the Ten Commandments to be displayed in every public school classroom in the state, which not only defies the Constitution but prioritizes the teachings of the Bible in the classroom.

How is that fundamentally different from prioritizing the teachings of the Quran in public institutions?
When it comes to freedom of expression, Louisiana also passed a law this week limiting free speech on campuses in a way specifically designed to outlaw pro-Palestinian protests. In other words, the free speech advocates on the right seem unwilling to extend freedom of expression to certain acts of civil disobedience, the exact kind of speech that has been used to drive policy changes throughout U.S. history. Louisiana also just passed a law making it illegal to beg for money or panhandle on a public right of way, a move that the ACLU has successfully challenged as a First Amendment violation in many other states. Further exacerbating the situation, the state recently criminalized approaching within 25 feet of a police officer engaged in law enforcement duties, a law that could hinder citizens’ ability to hold law enforcement accountable by recording instances of potential misconduct.

How has Louisiana recently dealt with gender equality? By passing a law reclassifying abortion pills as a controlled substance, meaning that possession of an abortion pill without a prescription is punishable by up to five years in prison. This reclassification ignores the fact that the two targeted pills — mifepristone and misoprostol — are also used to induce childbirth, stop uterine hemorrhages, and manage miscarriages. In a state already struggling with some of the worst maternal health outcomes in the country, these new restrictions are likely to further complicate access to legal and necessary healthcare.

As for the violation of basic human rights, earlier this month, Louisiana lawmakers passed a law allowing judges to order surgical castration for people convicted of sex crimes against young children, a practice widely condemned by human rights organizations.

In short, while Fox News fearmongers about the imagined threat of Sharia law, Louisiana is busy turning itself into a very real Christian theocracy. Fundamental rights are being eroded, religious teachings are being enshrined into law, and dissent is being criminalized. But of course, Fox News won’t be calling out Louisiana. This is the kind of religious authoritarianism they support — as long as it’s the “right” religion. It’s just another reminder that for many on the far right, “religious freedom” only applies to their own beliefs.

Louisiana’s descent into theocracy should alarm anyone who values the separation of church and state, regardless of their personal religious views. Because once we start down the path of legislating based on any one faith’s doctrine, we’re heading towards a society that’s less free, less equal, and less just for everyone. And that’s a future none of us should want to see. So the next time you hear Fox News ranting about the dangers of Sharia law, remember the real threat to our rights and freedoms is a lot closer to home — and it’s being enabled by the very people who claim to be defending them.