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Just In Time For Halloween Amazon Offers New Nightmare Fuel Service

By Kristy Puchko | Social Media | October 25, 2017 |

By Kristy Puchko | Social Media | October 25, 2017 |

When you’re away from home but have a package on the way, it can be stressful. What if some distrustful neighbor or thieving passerby just decides they want it!? That’s your online impulse buy! Well, Amazon feels your anxiety, and so has created Amazon Key, which kills that stresser, by creating an all new one!

This new Amazon service means their delivery people will be able to unlock your front door to leave the package inside. Look, you already let Alexa in your home. Why not a rando Amazon worker?

The Verge reported on the safety features and protocols, which involve a special lock, scans, and a home security camera. But their initial tweet was plenty to spark panic on Twitter.

For $250, you get a smart lock and security camera setup that not only lets in Amazon, but also allows you to give access to others remotely. Here’s the sale video featuring requisite harried Millennial.

Amazon Key will go live in 37 cities starting on November 8th. Would you be game?