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Oh God, Not You Too, George H.W. Bush

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | October 25, 2017 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | October 25, 2017 |

Proving once again that you’re never too old to sexually harass, former President George H.W. Bush — 90 years old at the time — sexually assaulted actress Heather Lind (Turn) at a screening in 2014. In a now deleted Instagram post, Lind stated that when they posed for a photo together, Bush didn’t shake her hand. Rather, he “touched [her] from behind from his wheelchair with his wife Barbara Bush by his side.”

She added, “He sexually assaulted me… He told me a dirty joke. And then, all the while being photographed, touched me again. Barbara rolled her eyes as if to say ‘not again.’ His security guard told me I shouldn’t have stood next to him for the photo.”

In other words, this was likely not the first time he sexually harassed someone. From his wheelchair. Dude.

In a statement, his people did issue an apology. Sort of.

“President Bush would never — under any circumstance — intentionally cause anyone distress, and he most sincerely apologizes if his attempt at humor offended Ms. Lind.”

Hahahahahahha! Isn’t it funny when the lecherous old former President in the wheelchair plays grabass with the unwilling 30-year-old participant! So funny, George! Demeaning women is hilarious!


“It seems to me a President’s power is in his or her capacity to enact positive change, actually help people, and serve as a symbol of our democracy,” Lind continued in her original Instagram post. “He relinquished that power when he used it against me and, judging from the comments of those around him, countless other women before me.”

Source: USA Today