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In the Kanye MAGA Saga, John Legend Is the Hero We Deserve

By Jodi Smith | Social Media | April 26, 2018 |

By Jodi Smith | Social Media | April 26, 2018 |


Lainey linked to some Kanye Krazy yesterday in Pajiba Love, but things have not gotten better since the backlash over his Tweets proclaiming Trump to be awesome. It all started innocently enough, with Kanye tweeting stream of consciousness things that were interesting and not inflammatory.

I can agree with that statement. Tell me more.

Hmmm. You’ve given me something to think about.


The Republican far right of Trump supporters rushed to claim Kanye as one of their own as a sign that they aren’t racist fucksticks. Meanwhile, famous friends started texting Kanye concern, prompting Ye to tweet those conversations out as well. Shining bright among them was a conversation with John Legend.

On one hand, okay? I understand thinking that empathy and understanding will help things to a point. But T&*p said that neo-nazis and non-racists both had “some very fine people”. No. No they don’t. It seems that Kanye is stirring up controversy in anticipation of his many projects. At least Kim has a sense of humor?

Getting back to John Legend and his lovely wife, Chrissy Teigen, have you seen their new ad for Google Duo? It’s an app on Android phones (and I guess other non-Apple phones) that acts like Facetime does on an iPhone. Not only does this commercial have John and Chrissy with their chemistry, it also gives a shout out to beloved internet meme Arthur and his angry fist — and the internet’s insistence that Legend resembles the kid show aardvark.