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Christmas Is A Lie Told To Placate The Masses. 'World Goth Day' Is Actually The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year

By Mieka Strawhorn | Social Media | May 22, 2018 |

By Mieka Strawhorn | Social Media | May 22, 2018 |


Happy World Goth Day! That exclamation point was probably a bridge too far. As was the “happy.” To those observing this hallowed holiday, I apologize. I’ll try to keep my enthusiasm appropriately blasé. In case your favorite picnic spot isn’t the cemetery, World Goth Day is a real thing that started on social media 9 years ago in The UK. According to Metro UK, it was co-founded by DJ Cruel Britannica as a way for British Goths to celebrate and promote the Goth aesthetic. DJCB said:

I was inspired to believe that Goth Day, as it was penned, should be something we should all do across the UK, with people wearing their Goth finery to work, digging out long lost vinyl, asking local radio stations to put on a few choice requests or anything to help them ‘get your Goth on’ for a day.

The next year, Goth Day went global, spreading on social media like a cancer moving through mortal flesh.

Each year, between 50 to 60 events worldwide are announced, ranging from full-blown club nights to picnics in the park or similar public gatherings.

And contrary to logic, it is in fact “celebrated,” despite whatever has to say about it.

Though I’ve never dabbled in the Gothic dark arts myself, I can appreciate both the aesthetic and the attraction to the macabre. I’ve known some wonderful people, who identify as Goth, who were always willing to help a sister out with a freshly sharpened eye pencil, or a hot tip on where to find the best vegan sandwich. In general, anybody who gets off on freaking out the squares is just fine in my book. Plus, Goths come in so many flavors, there’s bound to be one that suits your taste.

And please don’t forget the Cyber Goths. They can really shake a tail feather; given it’s the inky black tail feather of a raven dipped in the saccharine blood of optimism.

And no discussion about Goths is complete until I bring up one of my favorite bits from one of my favorite comedians, Paul F. Tompkins.

So happy World Goth Day to those who choose to celebrate! Pop open a bottle of bubs (or curdled goat’s milk if that’s more your bag), hang some streamers (or simply sit and admire the cobwebs on your ceiling), call a few like-minded friends (telephone is fine, séance is better) and be merry (or miserable, your choice!)! Oops. Sorry again, I slipped into exclamation.