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IHOP Got Trolled by Every Other Brand Over their Decision to Change their Name to IHOb

By Dustin Rowles | Social Media | June 11, 2018 |

By Dustin Rowles | Social Media | June 11, 2018 |


In case you hadn’t heard (of course, you have heard), IHOP announced today that it was changing its name to IHOb, the International House of Burgers (the name change is temporary) in order to promote its new line of hamburgers. On the one hand, the amount of attention this has drawn can surely be considered a win for a restaurant trying to roll out menu items more appropriate to lunch and dinner. On the other hand, there was no shortage of ridicule from the social media accounts from several other brands.

Wendy’s, which by the way makes burgers so terrible that I can recognize how awful they are even when I’m wasted, hit IHOb hard.

A lot of other brands jumped in on this burn:

Elsewhere, White Castle also weighed in, even though the onions on those burgers are terrible and the sliders are basically just condiments and bread:

Here’s Whataburger:

Steak-umm changed their name for the day:

Burger King is now Pancake King:

Hot Pockets entertained the idea:

I don’t know what this means, but A&W doesn’t, either:

Chili’s had words:

DiGiorno threw some shade:

Waffle House was over here subtweeting:

Even Netflix got in on the action:

The lesson here? Big promotional stunts like this work in raising awareness, but raising awareness also has its downsides.