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'I Don’t Lack Ett!' The Internet Reacts to a White Lady Taking Offense to Tigger Flag

By Dustin Rowles | Social Media | August 10, 2021 |

By Dustin Rowles | Social Media | August 10, 2021 |


I’m not sure where this latest Karen video is set, but it gave me some flashbacks to growing up in the South, from the unctuousness of the white lady asking a Black neighbor — TikToker Ambrosia — to remove a Tigger flag, to the politeness of Ambrosia in response, and back to the haughtiness of the white woman, who seems to take offense to how civil Ambrosia is being to her. This white lady — who insists “there are rules” to what can be displayed from someone’s house (there are not) — was clearly looking for a fight and felt patronized by the courtesy her neighbor showed her by allowing her to air her petty, stupid grievances.

That woman’s voice, so familiar, so grating, so anger-inducing. “I don’t lack ett!” The way she speaks as though she is the arbiter of what is allowed, when you know she’d be fine with a Confederate flag, and you know she probably has an abandoned car parked on bricks in her yard, and who you know would raise all kinds of hell if anyone asked her to remove her MAGA signs from her front yard.

Besides, who hates Tigger?