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Here's Deadpool Recreating Kanye West's SNL Rant

By Genevieve Burgess | Social Media | February 20, 2016 |

By Genevieve Burgess | Social Media | February 20, 2016 |

A few days ago we mentioned that Kanye West went on a Twitter rant, in real life, backstage at SNL before performing. Well, Ryan Reynolds took to YouTube to give us Deadpool’s version of the rant, so if you want the gist of what Kanye was on about, without actually having to listen to it, you’re in luck. Here’s Reynolds doing his best version of Kanye, with the added verisimilitude of terrible audio effects.

While this works as a bit of a throwaway joke, I think there’s something to observing that someone at Kanye’s level of fame may have more in common with a psychotic, self-aware, fourth-wall-breaking, comic book hero than we might suspect. Deadpool knows everyone is looking at him, Kanye knows everyone is looking at him. Deadpool knows there’s no real consequences to his actions, Kanye is reasonably confident of the same thing. Of course, Deadpool has more of a sense of humor about his situation, at least as far as we’re aware.