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Don't Mess With Kelly Clarkson. Just Don't

By Brian Richards | Social Media | July 26, 2016 |

By Brian Richards | Social Media | July 26, 2016 |

Yesterday was the first day of the Democratic National Convention over in Philadelphia, where we heard speeches from Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.), Eva Longoria, Sarah Silverman (who seemed as if she wanted to lean into the microphone and yell “SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY!” instead of “You look ridiculous!” to the Bernie Sanders supporters in the crowd who refused to shut the fuck up), and the First Lady, Michelle Obama, who took a break from being awesome in carpools with James Corden and Missy Elliott, to continue being awesome as she spoke about her support for Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and all that it means to her:

“With every word we utter, with every action we take, we know our kids are watching us. We as parents are their most important role models. And let me tell you, Barack and I take that same approach to our jobs as president and first lady because we know that our words and actions matter, not just to our girls, but the children across this country, kids who tell us I saw you on TV, I wrote a report on you for school. Kids like the little black boy who looked up at my husband, his eyes wide with hope and he wondered, is my hair like yours?…this election and every election is about who will have the power to shape our children for the next four or eight years of their lives. And I am here tonight because in this election there is only one person who I trust with that responsibility, only one person who I believe is truly qualified to be president of the United States, and that is our friend Hillary Clinton.

[A leader like Hillary Clinton] who has the guts and the grace to keep coming back and putting those cracks in that highest and hardest glass ceiling until she finally breaks through, lifting all of us along with her. That is the story of this country, the story that has brought me to this stage tonight, the story of generations of people who felt the lash of bondage, the shame of servitude, the sting of segregation, but who kept on striving and hoping and doing what needed to be done so that today I wake up every morning in a house that was built by slaves. And I watch my daughters, two beautiful, intelligent, black young women playing with their dogs on the White House lawn. And because of Hillary Clinton, my daughters and all our sons and daughters now take for granted that a woman can be president of the United States.”

As anyone with a Facebook page or Twitter account is fully aware, election season is that special time of year when many of your family members, friends, co-workers, and people who make you wonder, “I barely know you or talk to you. Why are we even friends on Twitter and Facebook?” feel the need to share their opinions on all things politics, on the people who are running for office, on the people who are in office, and whether or not they’re even qualified. And many of those same people feel the need to bombard almost everyone they know and everyone they don’t know with those same opinions, whether they were asked for or not. One stranger by the Twitter name of @coffeebeansrock did just that yesterday evening regarding Michelle Obama’s speech and the part in which she acknowledged that the White House was built by slaves, something that ABC News actually felt the need to verify as if Michelle Obama was Verbal Kint and she was just making shit up for her own amusement.

Unfortunately for him, the person whose mentions he felt the need to hop into was none other than Kelly Clarkson.



That, ladies and gentlemen, was a beautiful clapback by Kelly Clarkson. It was so good that this is what happened to @coffeebeansrock afterwards, and I’m sure the hundreds of ReTweets didn’t help:


Not too many of us thought that Kelly Clarkson, of all people, was capable of such a mic drop, but we had to give credit where credit was due.

So let this be a reminder that when it comes to you sharing your unwanted opinions with others on the Internet, especially if they have anything to do with politics or race relations, some of us really aren’t in the mood for any of your bullshit. And some of us, especially if we happen to be famous and with high follower counts, can and will prove this by sending you to the Twitter equivalent of the Witness Protection Program.

Now let’s end this post by watching Kelly Clarkson do a pretty good cover of Rihanna’s “Bitch Better Have My Money.” (The “Bitch” has been changed to “Y’all” and “Hmm” since BBC Radio is so strict about profane language that even the word “crap” is considered a no-no, as evidenced in the slightly longer version of this video):