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'Don't Look Up' Was a Bad Film, But...

By Petr Navovy | Social Media | July 22, 2022 |

By Petr Navovy | Social Media | July 22, 2022 |


Look, Don’t Look Up was a bad film. A film that addressed perhaps the most pressing and seismic topic that we face, and in an accessible, mass market sort of way—


—but it was bad nevertheless. Really bad. Terribly written and lazily directed, entirely unworthy of the weight of the subject matter it purported to tackle. By way of contrast, something like Paul Schrader and Ethan Hawke’s First Reformed stands out as a film that delivers a cinematic treatment of climate change that’s appropriately pitched and worthy of the topic. Similarly, Oliver Laxe’s Fire Will Come. That’s not to say that every film about a serious subject has to be serious. Obviously not. But it’s nice when they’re actually good.

Still, even though it was a pretty rubbish film, that doesn’t mean that some of Don’t Look Up’s ham-handed attempts at satire haven’t proven accurate. It’s just that that’s more an indictment of our present reality than anything else. Were you having a nice, calm, day? Well, sorry, but look upon these capitalist media works and despair: