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Don't Use The Good Pyrex When Giving Food To Somebody Else

By Brian Richards | Social Media | February 21, 2023 |

By Brian Richards | Social Media | February 21, 2023 |


When it comes to making food for others, and eating food that others have made at home, there are certain rules that most Black folk live by, no matter what: Don’t experiment with the macaroni and cheese around Thanksgiving. Don’t put any raisins in the potato salad. You absolutely cannot and should not eat just anybody’s food at the potluck, especially if they have pets, and those pets are allowed to do whatever they want. (Bonus rule: If someone’s bathroom isn’t clean, then their kitchen is probably just as bad, and you should proceed with caution when it comes to their food.)

There’s another important rule that was recently brought to the attention of everyone on social media: When you’re giving homemade food to family and friends for them to take back home, you give it to them in your plastic Tupperware. Not in the glass Pyrex. Because you will never get that sh-t back.

Last month, comedian and podcaster Amber Wallin expressed her frustration about her husband, Ben, making a crucial mistake, and using a Pyrex container for giving food to a friend of theirs instead of using a Tupperware container.

Now you’re reading this, and you’re probably saying: “Okay, but…what’s the big deal? They’re friends. They know each other. So surely, Amber is going to get her Pyrex container back without any problems.”

And that’s where you’re wrong.

If you give someone food in a Pyrex that’s covered in aluminum foil or cling wrap, but not the actual lid that it comes with? Then maybe, maybe you’d get that container back. (My mom saw me for Thanksgiving dinner and gave me some leftovers to take home in a Pyrex with no lid, but I can safely say she isn’t getting that Pyrex back. Sorry, Mom, but it’s true.) But if you give that someone a Pyrex and the lid? Well, that’s no longer a loan. It is officially a gift, and one that you will never get back. Just ask comedian Fannita Leggett, the person to whom Amber’s husband gave the Pyrex. (And as a bonus: the pasta that was given to her in the Pyrex was really good.)

@fannita #stitch with @burr_iam ♬ original sound - Fannita

Fast-forward to a couple of days ago, when Amber let the world know that Pyrex, the company that manufactures these containers that Black folk value as if they’re the One Ring, became aware of Amber’s online plight. So they decided to put a smile on her face, and … well, press PLAY and see it for yourself.

Now you’re probably saying: “See, will you look at that?! Amber got a brand-new set of Pyrex containers, and now she doesn’t have to worry about ever getting her old one back from Fannita! Clearly, Amber came out the winner in this story.” And yes, Amber did come out the winner, with a whole new set of Pyrex to use however she sees fit. As for Fannita? Well … I can’t exactly call her a loser in this situation, because …

@fannita #stitch with @burr_iam ♬ original sound - Fannita

Yeah, that’s right. In a plot twist that would make M. Night Shyamalan raise his eyebrows in shock and disbelief, Fannita got her own delivery from Pyrex, and now has her own set of containers to go with the one that she “stole” from Amber. To quote a wise man named Clay Davis:


Whether this is all for real, or if it’s just a skit that was done to amuse millions of TikTok users, there’s no denying how entertaining this experience was, and that this was some incredible marketing on behalf of Pyrex, hence why they felt charitable enough to give both women their own sets.

If and when you feel the need to give some food to a friend or family member, let this situation be an education and a reminder of two things:

1) Black people really do cherish their Pyrex containers, so don’t play around with them when it comes to that.

2) Unless you want to end up on someone else’s sh-t list like Ben did with Amber, do not ever use the good Pyrex. That is what the plastic, slightly warped, “discolored from other foods with stains that will never be removed no matter how long you soak it in Dawn dishwashing liquid” Tupperware is for.


(If you clicked on this article, and expected it to be about the clothing brand designed by the late Virgil Abloh, I’m sorry to leave you disappointed and feeling like Otto when he went to go visit Stoner’s Pot Palace, or Nelson when he went to go see Naked Lunch.)