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Disney World Pulls Re-Opening Ad After Twitter Backlash With Horror Parodies

By Kristy Puchko | Social Media | July 13, 2020 |

By Kristy Puchko | Social Media | July 13, 2020 |


As Florida faces the highest single-day spike in confirmed coronavirus cases of any state so far, Disney World has re-opened. The Mickey Mouse wonderland of rides and overpriced merch insists it is safe to go to the park because their whole cheery staff is wearing face masks as would guests. However, one of Disney’s reopening commercial was nightmare fuel that earned immediate backlash from Twitter users.

Here’s the original ad.

@DisneyParksJobs also tweeted the ad on Twitter. However, as many retweeted it with criticisms, the tweet was pulled resulting in many posts like this:

That did little to staunch the backlash.

While the ad had been pulled from Twitter, some users had already ripped the video to create parodies that turned it into an outright horror film.