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Comedians React To Allegations That Stand-Up Chris D'Elia Is A Pedophile

By Kristy Puchko | Social Media | June 17, 2020 |

By Kristy Puchko | Social Media | June 17, 2020 |


Overnight, Twitter erupted with allegations that comedian Chris D’Elia used social media to groom teen fans into sexual scenarios. Through screenshots of DMs, the stand-up’s accusers showed how he’d request nude photos and private visits from girls. D’Elia has not yet responded to this flood of allegations. However, some of his colleagues in comedy have.

Here’s how comedians have reacted to the pedophile allegations against Chris D’Elia:


We recommend clicking through to read Ostad’s full story thread.

At the time of posting, Cummings has not yet responded to the D’Elia allegations.

Did we miss a comedian’s response to the D’Elia allegations? Share them in comments.