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This Is Your Daily Reminder That If You Come For Chrissy Teigen On Twitter, You Best Not Miss

By Jodi Smith | Social Media | February 13, 2018 |

By Jodi Smith | Social Media | February 13, 2018 |


Here at Pajiba, we absolutely love and adore Chrissy Teigen. She is a bright spot in my Twitter timeline and never backs down from those that attempt to insult her or her family. She’s amazing.

I don’t know why people think they can trifle with Queen Chrissy and leave without their ass in their hands.

Today’s first cautionary tale happened yesterday when Teigen, author of cookbooks and lover of food, shared the following drama in four acts:

RELATABLE. Who hasn’t accidentally dropped food on the floor? Someone asked Teigen what she did with the floor food and she responded, “oh I ate it I don’t care.” Then, A WILD DUMBASS ENTERS.

Teigen responded perfectly:


Now we move on to Bari Weiss. Who is that?

After Olympic Athlete Mirai Nagasu became the first AMERICAN female figure skater to land a triple axel in the Olympics, Weiss tweeted “Immigrants: They get the job done”. Since Nagasu is Asian-American and born here in America, making her AMERICAN, people were upset.

Teigen, another American who is no stranger to people questioning where she is really from, responded with the following:

So shut it down, Weiss. You have nowhere to go from here.

And finally, we’ll let Jason Bailey over on Flavorwire handle the honors here: