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Parkland Student David Hogg Continues to Wipe the Floor with Laura Ingraham (Also, WTF Hulu?)

By Dustin Rowles | Social Media | March 29, 2018 |

By Dustin Rowles | Social Media | March 29, 2018 |


Update: Eight advertisers — including Hulu — have now dropped The Laura Ingraham Show, several after she issued the “apology.”

I didn’t realize that this was going to turn into an all-day story, but once again, we have underestimated David Hogg and the Parkland survivors. To recap: Fox News Commentator Laura Ingraham — who thinks that Trump’s children should be off limits — took a shot at David Hogg because he was rejected from UCLA.

Twitter erupted, and Captain America came to the rescue.

Then David Hogg asked for an advertiser boycott.

It worked. Within hours, several advertisers had dropped Laura Ingraham, including Nutrish, WayFair, Tripadvosor, and Expedia.

Recognizing that the network was going to continue bleeding advertisers unless she apologized, Ingraham did so with one of those, “I’m sorry you were bothered by what I said” apologies.

But of course, there’s nothing genuine about an apology under financial duress, so Hogg rejected it, and demanded more.

Your move, Laura.

Reminder: Don’t f*ck with the Parkland students, folks. Also, give Hulu a holler on social media. Why the hell is the network of The Handmaid’s Tale an advertiser for The Laura Ingraham Show in the first place?