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Youtuber Schools Trolls With "We Get It, You're Gay"

By Kristy Puchko | Videos | May 4, 2015 |

By Kristy Puchko | Videos | May 4, 2015 |

Living out loud on the internet can be really tough. Brutal even. Anonymous handles make trolls feel invincible, so the unmonitored comments sections of Youtube are a cesspit of hatred, vitriol and ignorance. But despite all this, some people have the courage to share their stories, their art and their souls using their real names.

One such individual is Ashley Mardell, who uses her Youtube channel to take on challenges (double bubble, WarHead, Whip Cream), vlog about her life, and share her experiences as a gay girl in Minnesota. But as is the way of the web, she’s gotten a lot of flack for this. And not all of it the blatantly bigoted variety. Here Mardell discusses a more insidious form of ignorance with a captivating performance piece called “We Get It, You’re Gay.”

It’s nearly 8-minutes long. But if you consider yourself a LQBTQ ally or just want to open yourself up to being a better, more empathetic human being, it’s definitely worth the listening.

Kristy Puchko isn’t an angry feminist, just an exhausted one.