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YouTube Channels To Binge When Reality Is Just Too Much

By Jodi Smith | Videos | June 26, 2018 |

By Jodi Smith | Videos | June 26, 2018 |


I probably don’t need to tell you that the entire staff here at Pajiba has been struggling to find content that won’t make you — or us — want to punch ourselves in the face until we pass out. I’ve talked a little bit before about watching Japanese ASMR videos on YouTube to relax. I have since expanded my collection to include even more pimple popping channels and some makeup gurus, too.

Jenna Marbles

Watching Jenna Marbles videos isn’t new to me, but I recently binged a bunch of uploads to catch up on her life so I could just watch the new videos every week. I also follow Marbles’ boyfriend Julien Solomita on YouTube and enjoy watching his vlogs too.

Naio Nails

Kirsty Meakin sculpts nails, hand paints art onto them, and creates 3D decorations for them too. There is something about Meakin’s personality combined with the soothing and satisfying process of creating nails and nail art. I quite like it.

MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ

Even if you don’t “get” ASMR, this channel has the most adorable food being made ANYWHERE.


This beauty guru is less absurd looks and high-end makeup and more everyday looks and easy tutorials. She even has Frugal Fridays where she reviews drugstore makeups. Zabrena does wear tests to show how well the makeup lasts instead of telling viewers how it works during the application only. You may also know her from the historically accurate makeup video series.

ellimacs sfx makeup

If you are into DIY Halloween makeup, then this is the channel for you. Ellinor Rosander uses homemade latex paste, cotton pads, and other household items to create insane Halloween looks for a myriad of different fandoms.