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What The 'Daria' Gang Would Look Like Today

By Kristy Puchko | Videos | April 4, 2017 |

By Kristy Puchko | Videos | April 4, 2017 |

In the wake of Daria’s 20th anniversary, co-creator Susie Lewis and character designer Karen Disher have teamed up to show fans what our favorite Lawndale residents would look like today.


As retirees, Jake and Helen Morgendorffer have finally learned to relax, much as Daria hoped they would in one the show’s best eps, “Write Where It Hurts.”

Despite being on the rocks at the end of the series finale Is It College Yet?, Brittany and Kevin got married and had a gaggle of presumably stupid kids. Brittany’s put her unrelenting pep to use as a local weather reporter, while Kevin is a dedicated stay-at-home dad.

Quinn’s a “consciously uncoupled” single-mom with a trio of rowdy red-headed boys, an apparent addiction to GOOP, and a Youtube webseries dedicated to keeping her pores cute and tiny.

Trent is still hot in a vaguely dirtbag way, and he’s striving for rock star success, though no longer with Mystik Spiral. His survival gig has him bartending in Queens.

Jane Lane continues to be a style icon, and has pursued her artistic ambitions in New York City, where she still hangs with her freakin’ friend Daria.

And as Lewis teased when I interviewed her—and her Daria co-creator Glen Eichler—for Nerdist*, Daria works as a writer, specifically the lone female in the writer’s room of a late night talk show. She’s got a cat named Godzilla, but no man in her life. And damn if this isn’t all demanding for a series reprisal.

Start the internet campaign now!

*Kristy Puchko wants you to read her pinned tweet.