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John Stewart.jpeg

This Caityln Jenner Piece from 'The Daily Show' Proves Jon Stewart's Still The Best Game In Town

By Emily Cutler | Videos | June 3, 2015 |

By Emily Cutler | Videos | June 3, 2015 |

Listen guys, I clearly love John Oliver. I continue to watch Larry Wilmore because I believe he has a great show somewhere in there. And I watched every episode of The Colbert Report because he is a magical creature blessed onto us by heaven.

But Jon Stewart is the original, gold standard “fake” news host. AND DON’T YOU EFFING FORGET IT.

It isn’t just that he and his show have spawned the current crop of fake news shows. It’s the respectability he’s brought to “fake” news. Stewart never used “it’s a fake news show” as an excuse to shy away from the hard truths. He used humor to get enough leeway to make the tough points. And even after 17 years, on the eve of his retirement, he’s at the top of his game.

Last night’s episode was a perfect example of that. Every moment of it was on point. The circularly, logic-filled, Groundhog Day nightmare that is the U.S.’s involvement in Iraq? Good lord, that’s amazing. (Seriously, take 10 minutes to watch that. It’s mind-meltingly aweraging (Yes, I made up that word. Deal with it.))

But their reaction to the media’s reaction to Caitlyn Jenner? There should be Gender Studies classes devoted just to unpacking everything that’s going on here.

Although my only quibble is that Stewart’s liberalism is showing more than usual. He thinks women are still relevant until 67? Maggie Gyllenhaal might have a thing or two to say about that.