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'Sherlock''s Video Combo Just Won Comic- Con Even With Most Of The Cast Missing

By Emily Cutler | Videos | July 10, 2015 |

By Emily Cutler | Videos | July 10, 2015 |

I’ve never been to Comic- Con, but I can say with 100% certainty that the best thing to happen to it this year is that Sherlock was underrepresented. Sure, the Sherlock panel had showrunner Steven Moffat (meh), producer Sue Vertue and actor Rupert Graves (Inspector Graham Gavin Greg Lestrade). But your Cumberbatches, your Freemans, your Scotts were no where to been seen. Even Gatiss couldn’t make it.

But they made it up to see with a sneak peek of this December’s Victorian set special.

1.) I really want that kid to be Sherlock’s protégé. Sorry about it, Wiggins.

2.) I would also really love a full list of things that Mrs. Hudson isn’t. Their housekeeper, a plot device, a drug dealer. I could listen to her chastise the boys all day.

And while the clip was nice enough in it’s own way, it clearly wouldn’t be enough to actually satisfy Sherlock fans. Luckily Scott, Cumberbatch and Gatiss made a “Sorry we couldn’t be there” clip.

Wait, did I say a “Sorry I couldn’t be there clip”? I mean the greatest “Sorry I couldn’t be there clip” that mankind has ever graced us with. Although realistically, if Andrew Scott added “Did you miss me?” to the end of Grown- Ups 6: The Nothing- But- Fart- Jokes Cut, I’d probably still think it’s a goddamn masterpiece.