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Seth Meyers Day Drinking With Kelly Clarkson Is More Satisfying and Adorable Than All Rom-Coms Combined

By Kristy Puchko | Videos | February 2, 2018 |

By Kristy Puchko | Videos | February 2, 2018 |

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Around these parts, we appreciate Late Night with Seth Meyers for his Trump-skewering “Closer Looks” and his recurring bit of insightful context comedy, “Jokes Seth Can’t Tell.” But now we’re head over heels, because this Pajiba 10 contender just showed us his inner fangirl with “Seth and Kelly Clarkson Go Day Drinking.” And I’m not overselling it when I tell you this bit right here is one of the greatest things to ever happen on television.

They had me at “Omigod, you’re a champ!” By, “You’re stupid,” and “I’m just kidding she’s dead,” I am hopefully devoted to this ship.

I know Seth and Kelly are married to other people, or whatever. I don’t care (I ship it). This right here is like an American Notting Hill reboot that got every beat right. It’s like that part of Bridget Jones’s Diary when Darcy kisses her in the snow, but minus all the second-hand embarrassment. It’s like the taste of ice cream and the rush of day drinking had a baby, and that baby is here to remind you what pure, unadulterated joy feels like. REMEMBER JOY!?!!?!?!?! I don’t think I’ve known this level of happiness and smiling since at least October 2016.

I don’t want to let this feeling go. I won’t.