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'Sesame Street' Continues Giving Us The Best Parodies On TV. Suck It, SNL.

By Emily Cutler | Videos | April 27, 2015 |

By Emily Cutler | Videos | April 27, 2015 |

Definitely I just saved you $35- ish in tickets. There’s clearly no reason to head to the movies any time in May. Because while I’m guessing that Avengers: Age of Ultron is good, I’m just not sure if it’s this good.

1.) Those are some legit puns. “Prepare to be deserted” and “I got jammed” are both worthy of the laughs they got.

2.) That was a wicked burn, Hawkeye. I could understand if you might want to lay low for a while.

3.) When did we cede all of the good parodies to children’s TV? Amy Schumer is doing her share, but what happened to the rest of them? Have we become so jaded that we don’t appreciate a parody unless it’s shrouded in childhood innocence? So that maybe we could just feel something again? What’s happened to Saturday Night Live’s parodies that we’re not even interest … THERE’S A HOUSE OF CARDS ONE?!

If anyone needs me, I’ll be down a very deep YouTube rabbit hole.