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Remix: 'Game Of Thrones' Characters Sing 'I'm So Excited' Ahead Of Season Five Premiere

By Kristy Puchko | Videos | April 10, 2015 |

By Kristy Puchko | Videos | April 10, 2015 |

Can you hear that? For days, on a loop, the Game of Thrones theme has been playing everywhere, heralding the fast-approaching premiere of season five. (Please tell me you hear it too. My insurance covers fandom delusions. #ThanksObama)

The crew over at The Tonight Show shares our all-consuming anticipation for this maddening magical show. And they showed it with the creepiest rendition of The Pointer Sisters’ “I’m So Excited” you’ll ever hear.

Yeah. I’m excited. But when the fates of so many of my beloved characters hang in the balance, that’s not all I’m feeling…


Kristy Puchko has sat on the iron throne. Twice.