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New 'Horrible Bosses' Trailer. Maybe That's Enough Now.

By Emily Cutler | Videos | October 1, 2014 |

By Emily Cutler | Videos | October 1, 2014 |

Movie trailers can be a really tricky thing. You want to make sure that you inform your audience about the movie, you want to lure them in with some good material, but you don’t want to give the whole movie away. You also need to make sure the trailer doesn’t completely misrepresent what the movie is about.

I’m in the lucky yet weird position of having my entire relationship with Horrible Bosses 2 documented, and I think it pretty nicely illustrates how easily a trailer can sway your feelings on a movie. From apprehensive but open, to genuinely excited, to my current “hey, maybe you guys should stop coming on so strong” stage.

Because this trailer is hysterical.

I would happily watch Charlie Day stare awkwardly directly into the camera for 20 minutes. But you had us a trailer ago. Unless your movie has at least fifteen other scenes that are that funny, don’t put this in the trailer. Give us your C+/ B- material. Your movie doesn’t even come out for another two months. Pace yourselves, gentlemen.