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Meet Pretty Big, The Dance Troupe That Defies Body-Shamers

By Kristy Puchko | Videos | January 16, 2017 |

By Kristy Puchko | Videos | January 16, 2017 |

After booking the Beyonce music videos “Get Me Bodied” and “Green Light”, professional dancer Akira Armstrong should have been on top of the world. But when trying to find more work and representation in Los Angeles, the full-figured performer was roundly met with rejection. “People look at you and already judge you based on your size,” She told The Scene, “[They think], She’s not going to be able to do the job,’ without even giving you a chance to really prove yourself. I felt discouraged.”

Returning to New York, Armstrong rallied by finding more plus sized women like her, who might be bigger than the norms of the dance community, but who can throw down and make jaws drop all the same.

Behold the fierce dance company Pretty Big.

Through Pretty Big, Armstrong has found confidence and strength that she hopes to pass on to others. “When they see us perform I want them to be inspired,” she shares in the vid above. “I want the little girl that’s watching to be like ‘Hey ma I can do that too.’”

If you’re an America’s Got Talent fan, you likely saw Pretty Big slay on the show back in 2015.

You can learn more about Pretty Big from their Facebook page.